Step by Step SEO Strategy Guide for Beginners

Step by Step SEO Strategy Guide for Beginners๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘

In this article I'll go over what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is. Breaking it down into four key components.

Keyword Strategy

On-Page Content

Link Building


First, the Keyword Strategy: it's a process for identifying the core keyword phrases. That form the foundation of your website's content. Now, there's a variety of different tools out there. We'd suggest one from Neil Patel called Ubersuggest. It'll enable you to look at the monthly traffic for a keyword phrase and also how hard or easy it is to rank for.

Based on a scale of one to a hundred. In terms of the number of keyword, phrases. We'd recommend that varies on how many pages. But we suggest to stick to one to two keywords per page. So what it looks like in practice is, for example: electrician near New York City.

Now, there's way more searches for it on a monthly basis. But it's not overly defined and it's also quite competitive. A great suggestion for a better keyword phrase would be. Affordable electrician, New York City.

Now for On-page Content: to ensure that you have the best possible content. For the search engines to read and then rank you for. You need to have a content strategy and the best strategy to have is to write at a page level. Focus on those one or two keyword, phrases per page.

Also, it's important for the search engines that they have the opportunity. To have a quick look at your content first before reading a lot of it. This is where they use metadata, things like title tags, description, tags, alt, tags, etc.

So what you want to do is. You want to match that to your content strategy. Where it's relevant mention your keyword, phrases in those areas. It's important not to worry about spamming, the search engines. You can actually mention your keyword phrases too often. What that does, is the search engines will just overlook your page and go to the next page. So we recommend no greater than two percent keyword density. Which in reality means mentioning that phrase. No more than two times per 100 words of content.

Next is Off-page Link Building: now the very nature of the way that search engines work. Is that they follow links so for them to find you they'll need to find you from a link on another website. This is where the link building strategy comes into play. Now, there's a variety of different ways you can build links. There's a couple of different ones that we can recommend. They are easy to do with little or no budget guest posts on blogs.

An easy way to get a link back for your website. Is to look for blogs in your niche contact, the blog owners and ask them whether you can write some content for them. Now Blog owners, love new high quality content.

So typically they'll be more than happy for you to write them that content. And if you give them your keyword phrase they in a lot of cases, will link back to your site direct science in your niche. You might have a wholesale relationship or a supplier agreement. So reach out to those people and ask for a link back to your site. You not only will help your SEO, but in some instances you might even get extra business out of it.

My final SEO strategy in this article, Reporting: The most important thing without all of this is to track your numbers. The great news is that google has a whole heap of free tools. The two we want to concentrate on today is google analytics and google search console.

These will help you track all of the clicks throughout your website, not only that it will help. You track the origin of the click. How long they spend on the website. Which pages they click and you can even track conversions.

Google search console is a technical tool from google. That will enable you to check things like your website. Speed page, not found errors. Even the number of backlinks you actually have on your website. It's important that if you get an error from google search console. That you address it as soon as you can!

That's all for this article thanks for reading everyone. If you liked it, please give us A like and subscribe to, the blog. If you have any questions about SEO. Please leave them in the comment section below. In the next couple of articles we'll be exploring SEO in more detail. I hope this helps. Thanks again for reading and have an awesome day!

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