SEO Tactics - How to Rank Number 1 in Google Search for 2021 form

SEO Tactics - How to Rank Number 1 in Google Search for 2021 form

Okay, I'm going to keep it pretty short and snappy to make sure that this is a high impact article. That's my promise to you. I'll go over 14 items I'm sure can help you in SEO for 2021. Let's go ahead and jump into number one.

So first thing is: you need to create content around all the things that your customers search for? Who is your customer? What are all the different things that they search for online? Create content around that, especially all of their most important pain points? By doing that, you're going to make sure that you show up higher in the SERPS. You're getting them to click on your website and you can use that for a lot of different things. Like capturing email, addresses, remarketing lists and so on and so forth.

Item number 2: you're going to update your top content. So your most important high volume pages. That drive the most conversions every single month, make sure that that's totally up to date. You're going to update your secondary content on a quarterly basis, every three months. You're going to update the rest of your content on an annual basis. You want to make sure that every single page on your website is updated once a year at least. If you do that, you're going to continue to see fantastic growth on your website for the content that you have.

Item number 3: you want to have long-form content. But not just long-form content. long-form content that also has optimized images, and it has optimized articles. Articles are completely blowing up. And on your long form content for your top terms, you want those to be hubs of content. You want that content to list all the frequently asked questions, all the greatest images. All the best articles on the topic and you want to link out to other areas silos. Of content within your website that explain more on the topic. item number three is going to be really important, especially for those top terms.

Item number 4: check your click-through rate. If you go inside a google search console, there's a really cool report. That's going to show you the click-through rate for the different pages on your website. If a certain page has a really high click-through rate, that's great. The page has a low click-through rate. Try to figure out what you're doing on those other pages that are higher so that you can improve your lower pages. Pro tip numbers really work quite well for putting that into your titles. So that's something that you can take a look at as well.

Item number 5: Consider amp accelerated mobile pages. Something that will make your website really fast. That's going to be very, very important. To make sure that you have fast page feed. Which is a ranking factor so consider using accelerated mobile pages. That's going to make it so. The mobile version of your site is really really fast.

Item number 6: You need to have a strategy on every different type of website. There's a different schema strategy that you would have for an e-commerce site. You might be marking up your product pages with pricing reviews, shipping for a local website. You might be marking up your local pages with the exact location for a general website. You might be marking up your logo with schema for a news website. You might be marking up your website with speakable markup. That's something that will actually read the text on the page to somebody. So make sure you define your schema strategy for your website. So that you incorporate all the most important things

Item number 7: You need to be https. The website has to be secure. Not only is it a ranking factor, but visitors are looking at it more and more so make sure you take the time to do that.

Item number 8: You need to have a linking strategy for every different type of website. You should be picking three to four different strategies. That are going to really help you with linking. Whether that's unlinked mentions. Whether that's going after awards. Whether that's promoting a piece of content. Whether that's writing a column. Writing a column shouldn't be a linking strategy. Writing a column should be a strategy to get you exposure on a great publication. Picking a great linking strategy. Then making sure you're allocating a good amount of hours. That are going to make you competitive in your space is really important. Still, a big factor.

Item number 9: you want to get social shares. You want to continue growing your social media communities. Growing engagement, that's a very important thing. You can build an entire business model off of social media at this point. But also when you get these social shares. Your website will get indexed quickly and new blog posts and new pages if they get a lot of shares. With a lot of interaction, they're going to Shoot straight to the top of the rankings.

PRO TIP: if you've got a page, that's fallen down that you shared in the past. If you go out there and share it again many times that will help it rank higher quicker, so go ahead and give that a shot.

item number 10: increase brand searches. Google has gone on record saying. Pages that get searched for more and brands that get searched for more often will rank higher in google. That's looked at as an indicator of quality and can help your search rankings. So you should be doing running YouTube ads. Facebook ads doing creative campaigns building the brand. So you get more brand searches. Because that's going to allow you to get higher click-through rates. From brand recognition in the SERPS. And it's going to allow you to get more direct traffic, and all of that comes around to lead to higher rainfalls

Item number 11: Vert and Eat are two very big things. Bert is a new framework. That's going to be rolling out to all of the different web pages out there, that google is indexing. This is so so important. It looks at certain types of metrics and it also looks at the intent of the user. The intent has never been more important. So make sure that you check out the actual intent of a user before you even make a web page. If you don't do that, you could totally be wasting your time also. Eat expertise, authority and trustworthiness is critical. Because when you have that correct, it's going to allow you to rank in some of these competitive niches. Things like having an author bio on the page things like sourcing, your facts and your figures. bringing credibility to the website in general.

item number 12: go nuts on article. There's A lot of articles that are being served now inside of google. Inside of the google home hub and also now inside of Bing article. This is the fastest growing type of multimedia people want to consume it. So I highly encourage you to create articles around all of your top terms. All of your top pages and do the best you can to scale that initiative.

Item number 13: international seo: certain markets are more competitive than others. The US, the UK, for example, are competitive markets for seo. Other areas are not so competitive. such as potentially Mexico, Spain, Canada. So know your market and know your ability to expand outside of your market. Because it could be easier to get ranked in a different language. Or a different country version of google than it is in Your own. Of course, you need to be able to do business in those areas so make sure you keep that in mind.

item number 14: one of the most important things before I get to our final bonus item core web vitals. Google is looking at page speed. They're looking at how things load. How quickly they're looking at do things move around on the page. And they have a new report called the core web vitals report. They're going to be doing a very big google update on this In the future. So it's really really important that you make sure. You have no usability errors in the core web vitals report. That's going to give you a huge competitive advantage over other people in the serps.

I didn't go super deep into any of these things and there are other things outside of these areas. I didn't talk about, but if you go through these 14 things you're going to have a lot of success with SEO in 2021. I hope you like this article go ahead and, like comment subscribe, leave me a like. I would appreciate it leave a comment. I'll, see you next time.
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